

An evolving discussion space on men and gender.

MenSpace is a WEvolve platform that explores the changing gender ecosystem and its effects on men, including how men are adapting in different country contexts, and the societal impact of failing to consider the ‘male side’ of gender.

The 2006 World Bank publication, The Other Half of Gender. Men’s Issues in Development, a collection of writings on men and gender from Latin America and Africa, shows the need for the gender debate to shift from a sole focus on empowering women to understanding gender as a system that affects all of us.   Its main message is that social issues such as sexual abuse and violence, international terrorism, mass shootings and unemployment, have critical male gender dimensions. It also concludes that gender equality will be difficult, if not impossible, without changing the ways in which masculinities are defined and acted upon.  

Issues raised in this 2006 volume are still relevant today as the phenomena of the “angry white men” who helped bring Donald Trump to power, and the #metoo movement have shown us.